Berry Patch Update
May 1, 2023
Hi everyone. Just wanted to post a update on our 2023 blackberry crop. The vines are a healthy green and growing with lots of pink and white blooms. All varieties are blooming. Our one thorned variety Kiowa has green berries! The bees have been very busy pollinating all those blooms. We are very thankful for the bees.
In March and April ,Carole and I replanted one row of berry plants and established another new row of blackberries……approximately 300 plants. Also fertilized the berry plants and controlled winter weeds and grass. Also tying up vines….which is a constant activity.
The recent rain has really helped the orchard.
When will we open for picking? It is still a little early to know for sure, but we feel that it will probably be the end of May. It will depend on the availability of moisture and temps. We need some warmer weather. (never thought I would say that). April has been cooler than average.
We will send out an email when a opening date for Picking Blackberries is determined.
Unfortunately, we also have some bad news. On March 19 we had a low of 24 degrees and on March 20 it dropped to 25 degrees. It stayed below 32 degrees for 6-8 hrs. each morning. The peach and plum trees were in full bloom…..and some had small peaches. Right now it doesn't look like we will have any peaches or plums…..but if this changes we will notify everyone. Peaches and plums are extremely risky and expensive fruit to grow commercially. We still have to fertilize, water and control pests on the trees.
If you have questions….just call, text or email us. Our farm numbers are 903-344-1132 (Landline) or 979-255-3181 (cell), Email is If possible please use our cell number. Its more dependable.
Will email another update soon. You can also go to our website… for updates.
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Thank you and have a Blessed Day
Steve and Carole
Huebner Berry Patch