Sunday, May 19, 2024

What are we picking today

Berry Patch Update……May 19, 2024


The heavy recent rains have slowed down the ripening of our blackberries. We will be evaluating the crop in next couple days to get a better idea of when we may be able to open.  As soon as we can provide a definite date …it will be posted on this web site. Right now it looks like another week to 10 days. Check our site every couple days.

As in the past , a picking scale of 1-10 will be used to indicate the availability of ripe berries. With a "1" being a very light number being available  ,and a "10" indicating a large number of berries being ready to pick.

Will provide another update in a few days.

If you have questions call or email us.


Thank you

Steve and Carole